Photo of articles scattered on the floor.

Information within Easy Reach

We want what we want — when we want it

Information on paper is not usually within easy reach. Even if your desk is right next to the file cabinet, finding what you need is often a frustrating experience. The information itself isn’t the issue – it’s the access to it that’s the problem. You could spend minutes or even hours tracking down that critical piece of paper you need. Even when you do find what you’re looking for, your information is still trapped on paper unless you manually enter it into a computer program or app. How can you get what really matters – your information – in the right place at the right time and in the format you need?

Capture better, usable data

Scanning gets paper into a digital format, but a simple scan is not enough. In order for the information to work for you, it has to be real data – not just a picture of a page. It has to be in the format you want and accessible in an instant. Extracting usable data from paper requires technology called Optical Character Recognition (OCR), which turns print on pages into searchable words and numbers. Once you have this real data, you can accomplish so much more than you could with just a static image. The data is ready to use. You can send the document to colleagues, edit it yourself or convert it to a searchable PDF or Microsoft Office formats – all without the time sink of retyping the document.

Get Cloud scanning as a service

The technology to scan using Optical Character Recognition can be advanced, requiring rather sophisticated scanning software and infrastructure — not everyone’s cup of tea. Good news! You can bypass technology headaches by using a Cloud scanning service. Your scanning device – whether it’s a desktop scanner or a Multifunction Device – is all you have to manage. The rest of the technology you need for sophisticated OCR, document conversion and file routing is part of the service.

Make your information mobile

Whether you prefer to use your tablet, your phone, an app or a Cloud service, you want your information to be within easy reach. You can put information on paper within easy reach too. With Cloud scanning services, it’s possible to scan document data directly into your favorite apps. This means your data is not only digital and editable, but it is also accessible from any of your mobile devices – so it’s ready for you to work with, anytime you need it,

Learn more

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